For the month of January 2021, THE FIELD offers 3 categories of semi-private (small group) sessions. Details on the 3 training categories follow:
1) Youth Training: Ages 7-11. 3 Sessions (Jan 17, 24, 31, 3-4pm). The focus for this group is basic football fundamentals. Package Cost for all 3 sessions is $65. Drop in cost is $25 per session.
Jan 17 3-4pm (Location Brahan Springs FB field)
Jan 24 3-4pm (Location Brahan Springs FB field)
Jan 31 3-4pm (Location Brahan Springs FB field)
2) Position specific training (typically ages 12-18). The focus on these groups is mastering the fundamentals and advanced concepts. Please see here for training dates, times and packages currently offered. These sessions are progressive, thus we will build on what is learned in each session.
3) Shoulder tackle training (ages 7-18) - A minimum of 3 sessions is required to complete. Please see here for training dates, times and packages offered. THE FIELD's shoulder tackle training program is a progressive training program, thus, we will build on what we learn from session to session)
* Training/clinics that are run by THE FIELD will be intense, fundamental driven, football practices. Sessions will be geared to the particular age groups, but athletes will be challenged mentally, physically and spiritually. It is imperative that athletes are on time (preferably 10-15 minutes early) and ready to practice when they arrive. Note: Where appropriate for drills, etc., athletes will be separated into groups with similar aged athletes.
THE FIELD conducts comprehensive football instruction clinics for football teams and/or football leagues. Please contact us for details.